Losing weight is something that so many of us struggle with and lock down really has been a time when many of us have put on more weight around the middle and are now struggling to lose the extra inches. It may be that lockdown has really impacted on your energy levels and you are struggling with fatigue at the moment too?
If these problems that you are struggling with you’ll be interested to hear about my new healthy 21 day health and weight loss plan - which I’m excited to tell you will be starting at the end of June.
This plan includes lots of delicious healthy and easy to make recipes, an health and energy review, membership of a private Facebook Group where you’ll get loads of support from others on the plan and lots of support and advice from me about healthy diets and lifestyle approaches. I’m also including an opportunity for an health assessment consultation where we can assess your health and set goals for the future. I’m offering all this for the price of £39.
So keep your eyes open for more information which I will be posting soon.